all right then I have the fridge defrosting and have put up a batch of chili to ward off these chilly, dreary days…
Years ago I read a huge 2-volume book purported to have been written as a result of intensive archaeological research about our true beginnings. The work was called the Children of Mu which strongly influenced my thoughts about the beginning and where we truly came from.The story of Genesis is truly quite vague whereas this version is closer to the myth of creation of many tribal cultures. In this case it relates to a once existent island in the Pacific Ocean .
In the beginning The Universe was vast, as a black void in space. Eventually all energies combined to make creation possible, and there came a giant serpent moving slowly throughout the Universe in search of a complement. This entity was the Creative Force massed together in an ethereal form. Throughout the Creator’s long travels he eventually found [or created] a companion who was necessary to make the manifestation of creation possible: this was his polar opposite later honored as The Great Goddess. This was the yin-yang component necessary for pro-creation not through a physical sense but through the Higher Intellect. Both energies were needed, for while the Creator had the drive and ambition to create, it was only through the feminine input that manifestation was possible. She was the inspiration and motivator of the Creator offering the emotional component, intuition and compassion necessary to balance the pure drive of the Creator.
And as it, is both energies of male and female are required in equal balance for there to be any harmony. And the Creator desired to create a world where physical manifestation was possible for his creations to live, work, play and love. The Goddess appealed to Him to create lots of water in this new world, for it is through water that emotion and intuition spring forth. It also represented consciousness. Let there also be great land masses to provide stability and security for the inhabitants. Let there be air to stir the waters, and fire to mold great mountains and valleys. And thus together they created a pristine world called Gaia [the earth].
Genesis insists that the creation took a mere 7 days to manifest, however time was of course meaningless then…it could have been 7 years or 7 centuries; time is of no significance it is the number itself that matters. Throughout the bible there are endless numerical references; numbers are highly symbolic. Coincidentally the number 7 is associated with spirituality, completeness and introspection.
There are many 7 references throughout ancient religion: 7 sacraments, 7 virtues, 7 sins, 7 petitions, 7 'gifts of the spirit' - wisdom, understanding, cooperation, strength, knowledge, holiness. Seven is associated with the moon and therefore a number of reflection (symbolically from the reflection of sunlight from the Moon]. Overall the implication is that this is a magical number; the person or thing referred to may be mystical and 'all-knowing' or desiring knowledge beyond all other things: a completeness which is gained only from true insight, but at the expense of an inward focus, aloofness and isolation.
As such Gaia was set in motion to prepare for the birth of various species. In this particular story, eggs were incubated deep below the ocean and as they hatched the waters were then teeming with Life which was the first stepping stone towards creating MAN.
Did we originally evolve from water creatures as suggested by the theory of evolution? The Creationists would disagree of course. The jury is still out on that topic. I tend to lean towards the more scientific of gradual evolution, which is still ongoing today.And from this perhaps we truly are ‘the Dream of the Dolphin’.
Eventually both Man and Woman were set up in the Garden of Eden where they supposedly lived happily for a long time until encountering the drama of the secret apple and the Tree of Knowledge. The Biblical legend says they were expelled from the Garden for disobedience when Eve offered the apple to Adam to taste. Again this suggests a highly domineering, authoritative and judgmental God.
For realistic understanding though you have to look beyond what is stated and look for the underlying symbolism that is being demonstrated. Symbolism is highly significant for mankind. Through symbolism, archetypes are formed and lessons presented; as was the case with Jesus always speaking in parables.
An interesting article I read some time ago is applicable to today:
“The way most people live and eat and work is in a way that essentially means that they have been kicked out of the Garden of Eden.
We are emitting gases and toxic substances that foul our own nest. Very few animals foul their own nests, but we as supposedly intelligent beings do foul our own nest and poison our own young; with carbon dioxide emissions, toxins in our homes, food, air, water and ground.
We are emitting gases and toxic substances that foul our own nest. Very few animals foul their own nests, but we as supposedly intelligent beings do foul our own nest and poison our own young; with carbon dioxide emissions, toxins in our homes, food, air, water and ground.
Our housing is not sustainable currently. By living the way we do, we have kicked ourselves out of the Garden of Eden. We live in structures that cost an arm to heat, a leg to cool and a fortune to maintain. Then they cost more to destroy when we are done with them, and their toxic residue takes up precious room in dumps. Our houses and business structures degrade our health, harm our children and employees and the environment through carbon emissions, out gassing, radiations, toxic materials and more. By living the way we do, we have kicked ourselves out of the Garden of Eden.”
Many years ago under the tutelage of the ‘Seth Material’ an entirely different scenario about Paradise was explained from a metaphysical viewpoint. At the time these works were a brilliant breakthrough penned by Jane Roberts who channeled material through a medium called Seth. The revelations and insights provided were well in advance of quantum physics at that time. The works were not readily popularized in mainstream publishing and the scientific and metaphysical teachings were far beyond the capacity of many to understand at the time. I have read these books over and over again since my mid twenties.
The biblical version attaches the story to blame and sin and expulsion from God’s Grace and again I have to wonder why so many people would accept and believe in such a vengeful and authoritative God. Also in this version Eve was tempted by the serpent which was said to be the ‘evil one’.
Yet consider that the serpent was also symbolically the form undertaken by the Great Creator. As despicable creatures for many, the serpent has been used throughout history symbolizing knowledge rather than evil. The serpent is part of the symbol used by medicine; on the metaphysical level it also represents the awakening of the Kundalini related to the chakras of the body. I know of this because I have undergone this awakening personally to a certain degree. And coincidentally I recently had a dream about a huge snake lurking within my home yet every time we tried to catch it, it simply vanished from sight. To me this signifies the potential for new ‘knowledge’ coming which is yet just beyond my grasp or awareness.
This is the way I see it: I look at things from a symbolic perspective for a truer understanding of what lesson is being exemplified. It is said that by eating of the fruit of the tree of knowledge Adam and Eve ‘had their nakedness revealed’ and thus became very self-conscious and ashamed. Symbolically naked typically means innocent or vulnerable or feeling exposed. Still, this simple act of eating an apple symbolized the ‘awakening of consciousness’ for them.
They were thus given a choice of whether to stay in the garden whereby they lived by the grace of God which sustained and protected them and took care of all of their needs; or to leave by their own accord to adventure into the outer world that was yet to be populated; it was by the Grace of God that they were given the power of free will which they ultimately chose. It appears that in order to pro-create they had to go out into the more ‘physical’ world of reality and leave behind the protective but perhaps illusory environment of the Garden for the process of procreation demanded much more personal responsibility. When they decided to leave the Garden they began creating History.
Now doesn’t this seem like a more inviting and positive story?
So two important changes occurred for this first couple: the awakening of consciousness and self awareness; and the option of exerting free will. We are continually tested about whether free-will truly exists or is everything fated. I tend to believe it is a combination of both.
Turning now to the topic of ourselves as multi-dimensional beings.
This topic is of great interest to me however I think the masses still do not understand just how significant this is to our individual realities.
It is about considering the great Trinity and what it actually means. It involves the concept of Hierarchy or the chain of command.
The religious viewpoint is that the Trinity represents The Father, The Son and the Holy Ghost. What is the difference between the Holy Spirit and the Soul? We are told that the Son represents Jesus who at times claimed he was the Son of God and the Son of Man. Which was it? In order to make a connection with the Creator, Jesus purportedly claimed that in order to make that connection we must first go through him. And the Holy Spirit is what animates our spirit thus on the level of the Hierarchy we are as individuals pretty much at the bottom of the ladder.
Bear with me I am working to the topic of Where have all the Messiahs gone?
So we have this edict to honor the Trinity, which in fact is also very symbolic for humanity.
“The Trinity in Christian numerology is very important and naturally linked with the most holy, perfect and the best. The number 3 has been linked with the superlative before Christianity, and is translated by the Greeks as superlatively great, and the Latin as happiest. God is related to the number 3 as having a surface and being real (manifested) or 'touchable', this becomes further defined with the number 4 and the addition of a fourth point which creates a solidity. Completeness is symbolized by 3 (as well as 7 and 9) but for different reasons.”The trinity in the form of the number 3 has played out significantly in my own life as well.
I do believe that the FATHER is the basic creative force as the serpent moving through the void which became animated as a result of the electrical charges He moved through.
What if however the term, ‘the Son’ was misinterpreted and actually meant the physical SUN? The Sun is indeed our Life Giver.
Thus first we needed the impetus of the Creator, and then the proper environment created by the Sun in order to sustain life.
Then we come to the Holy Spirit which I prefer, because after all the term ‘Ghost’ is just an apparition or hallucination.
The Spirit represents the ‘spark of the divine that is manifested through the body’ although this presence within us is often
silenced or ignored. On second thought perhaps for most people the term Holy Ghost is appropriate since it is often so ‘invisible’ in the life of the personality.
It is my belief that we must deliberately invite the Spirit into our lives before it becomes active. First we must ‘knock and the door shall be opened to us’. Without that conscious connection the Spirit acts merely as a silent witness. Having experienced this spiritual conversion in the past two years, I have now become consistently aware of listening for the guidance of my own spirit. Indeed I did knock at a very difficult time in my life and the door was opened unto me. Let me be clear that this awakening did not require any kind of formal ritual or religious ceremony…I believe I willed it into action. Now I am able to express my gratitude and honor my blessings on a daily basis…this is part of what it has done for me.
I liken this event in my life to the metaphor of the Garden of Eden only in reverse. The Garden still exists as a state representing the Grace of God but we must now struggle to get back into the garden to find peace and sanctuary. We have been away from our true connection for so long and unfortunately it is this which has also contributed to the mess that humanity finds itself in. And for those of us engaged in the quickening we realize that the battle between ‘good and evil’ will ultimately be the battle for our Minds and our Spirits. This is the new understanding that people must come to. We must collectively emanate our positivity out in to Universe in order to counter the Great Darkness that feeds off of our inner negativity.
When asked whether there is a differentiation between the Spirit and the Soul, Seth has explained that he called the Oversoul represents that energy that oversees the spirit through its evolution…records have been meticulously kept known as the Hall of Records and in the afterlife we may have the opportunity to visit the Hall of Records to see both the and progress that individual spirits have made. This concept was introduced in the movie ‘Defending Your Life’ with Albert Brooks and Meryl Streep.
Another good book I read is called ‘The education of Oversoul 7’ penned by Jane Roberts back in the 70’s which was a simplified version of the
Seth Material but as a novel. It was a very good read.
And so we see the mechanisms of our Spiritual Hierarchy. Once incarnated we also have a chain of command on a personal level. In astrology we express our multi-dimensional selves as the Ego, the personality and the psyche which I wrote extensively about in my manuscript about the Burgeoning Soul. In my writings this is what I refer to this trio as The Higher Self, the Personality and the Spirit. My works are more of a psychological profiling as used by Carl Jung and this is quite different from mainstream astrologers who claim a fee for ‘fortune-telling’. Sadly too many people dismiss the whole thing as entertainment when in truth it is far deeper than that. To achieve an individual balance we must work to bring all three factors into harmony. On the mundane level of experience we work mostly through the Ego which is attached to material and physical realities, while the Personality represents the masquerade we wear trying to project our being externally. The personality is the the culmination of early conditioning, habits, instincts, values, desires, needs and reactions. And typically the personality we project is quite different from the true self within, represented by the Spirit.
The formula used for determining the personality combines the energy expression of the Sun, the Moon and the Rising sign in each individual chart. Very often these energies are imbalanced and working at cross purposes which tends to form our individual concept of being. This is where internalized conflicts materialize in the physical realm as circumstances. In terms of self-analysis and increased awareness of what we are really all about and what our potential missions in life are, astrology is a gold mine of valuable insight and understanding.
…Perhaps this is enough writing for today.
I wanted to write about the Ascended Masters who have helped to guide the evolution of humanity and form conditions on the physical level because I wonder now ‘Where is Our Messiah’ when we need one most. Who is there now living willing to lead us away from the brink of chaos and destruction. You might be surprised. Who do you feel might be acting in this role?
Any suggestions? Father, Father help us – we need you now.
Current interests for me also include the increase of familial dissonance that is tearing away at the fabric of society and underming our hopes for healing the world. We are supposed to be spiralling upwards, instead we are quickly spiralling downwards. This I have recently experienced within my personal familial sphere as I strive to understand more. Next time I will talk about this continuing erosion of our families…No wonder so many of the young are getting tatoos and piercing. More on these issues to come….
Years ago I read a huge 2-volume book purported to have been written as a result of intensive archaeological research about our true beginnings. The work was called the Children of Mu which strongly influenced my thoughts about the beginning and where we truly came from.The story of Genesis is truly quite vague whereas this version is closer to the myth of creation of many tribal cultures. In this case it relates to a once existent island in the Pacific Ocean .
In the beginning The Universe was vast, as a black void in space. Eventually all energies combined to make creation possible, and there came a giant serpent moving slowly throughout the Universe in search of a complement. This entity was the Creative Force massed together in an ethereal form. Throughout the Creator’s long travels he eventually found [or created] a companion who was necessary to make the manifestation of creation possible: this was his polar opposite later honored as The Great Goddess. This was the yin-yang component necessary for pro-creation not through a physical sense but through the Higher Intellect. Both energies were needed, for while the Creator had the drive and ambition to create, it was only through the feminine input that manifestation was possible. She was the inspiration and motivator of the Creator offering the emotional component, intuition and compassion necessary to balance the pure drive of the Creator.
And as it, is both energies of male and female are required in equal balance for there to be any harmony. And the Creator desired to create a world where physical manifestation was possible for his creations to live, work, play and love. The Goddess appealed to Him to create lots of water in this new world, for it is through water that emotion and intuition spring forth. It also represented consciousness. Let there also be great land masses to provide stability and security for the inhabitants. Let there be air to stir the waters, and fire to mold great mountains and valleys. And thus together they created a pristine world called Gaia [the earth].
Genesis insists that the creation took a mere 7 days to manifest, however time was of course meaningless then…it could have been 7 years or 7 centuries; time is of no significance it is the number itself that matters. Throughout the bible there are endless numerical references; numbers are highly symbolic. Coincidentally the number 7 is associated with spirituality, completeness and introspection.
There are many 7 references throughout ancient religion: 7 sacraments, 7 virtues, 7 sins, 7 petitions, 7 'gifts of the spirit' - wisdom, understanding, cooperation, strength, knowledge, holiness. Seven is associated with the moon and therefore a number of reflection (symbolically from the reflection of sunlight from the Moon]. Overall the implication is that this is a magical number; the person or thing referred to may be mystical and 'all-knowing' or desiring knowledge beyond all other things: a completeness which is gained only from true insight, but at the expense of an inward focus, aloofness and isolation.
As such Gaia was set in motion to prepare for the birth of various species. In this particular story, eggs were incubated deep below the ocean and as they hatched the waters were then teeming with Life which was the first stepping stone towards creating MAN.
Did we originally evolve from water creatures as suggested by the theory of evolution? The Creationists would disagree of course. The jury is still out on that topic. I tend to lean towards the more scientific of gradual evolution, which is still ongoing today.And from this perhaps we truly are ‘the Dream of the Dolphin’.
Eventually both Man and Woman were set up in the Garden of Eden where they supposedly lived happily for a long time until encountering the drama of the secret apple and the Tree of Knowledge. The Biblical legend says they were expelled from the Garden for disobedience when Eve offered the apple to Adam to taste. Again this suggests a highly domineering, authoritative and judgmental God.
For realistic understanding though you have to look beyond what is stated and look for the underlying symbolism that is being demonstrated. Symbolism is highly significant for mankind. Through symbolism, archetypes are formed and lessons presented; as was the case with Jesus always speaking in parables.
An interesting article I read some time ago is applicable to today:
“The way most people live and eat and work is in a way that essentially means that they have been kicked out of the Garden of Eden.
We are emitting gases and toxic substances that foul our own nest. Very few animals foul their own nests, but we as supposedly intelligent beings do foul our own nest and poison our own young; with carbon dioxide emissions, toxins in our homes, food, air, water and ground.
We are emitting gases and toxic substances that foul our own nest. Very few animals foul their own nests, but we as supposedly intelligent beings do foul our own nest and poison our own young; with carbon dioxide emissions, toxins in our homes, food, air, water and ground.
Our housing is not sustainable currently. By living the way we do, we have kicked ourselves out of the Garden of Eden. We live in structures that cost an arm to heat, a leg to cool and a fortune to maintain. Then they cost more to destroy when we are done with them, and their toxic residue takes up precious room in dumps. Our houses and business structures degrade our health, harm our children and employees and the environment through carbon emissions, out gassing, radiations, toxic materials and more. By living the way we do, we have kicked ourselves out of the Garden of Eden.”
Many years ago under the tutelage of the ‘Seth Material’ an entirely different scenario about Paradise was explained from a metaphysical viewpoint. At the time these works were a brilliant breakthrough penned by Jane Roberts who channeled material through a medium called Seth. The revelations and insights provided were well in advance of quantum physics at that time. The works were not readily popularized in mainstream publishing and the scientific and metaphysical teachings were far beyond the capacity of many to understand at the time. I have read these books over and over again since my mid twenties.
The biblical version attaches the story to blame and sin and expulsion from God’s Grace and again I have to wonder why so many people would accept and believe in such a vengeful and authoritative God. Also in this version Eve was tempted by the serpent which was said to be the ‘evil one’.
Yet consider that the serpent was also symbolically the form undertaken by the Great Creator. As despicable creatures for many, the serpent has been used throughout history symbolizing knowledge rather than evil. The serpent is part of the symbol used by medicine; on the metaphysical level it also represents the awakening of the Kundalini related to the chakras of the body. I know of this because I have undergone this awakening personally to a certain degree. And coincidentally I recently had a dream about a huge snake lurking within my home yet every time we tried to catch it, it simply vanished from sight. To me this signifies the potential for new ‘knowledge’ coming which is yet just beyond my grasp or awareness.
This is the way I see it: I look at things from a symbolic perspective for a truer understanding of what lesson is being exemplified. It is said that by eating of the fruit of the tree of knowledge Adam and Eve ‘had their nakedness revealed’ and thus became very self-conscious and ashamed. Symbolically naked typically means innocent or vulnerable or feeling exposed. Still, this simple act of eating an apple symbolized the ‘awakening of consciousness’ for them.
They were thus given a choice of whether to stay in the garden whereby they lived by the grace of God which sustained and protected them and took care of all of their needs; or to leave by their own accord to adventure into the outer world that was yet to be populated; it was by the Grace of God that they were given the power of free will which they ultimately chose. It appears that in order to pro-create they had to go out into the more ‘physical’ world of reality and leave behind the protective but perhaps illusory environment of the Garden for the process of procreation demanded much more personal responsibility. When they decided to leave the Garden they began creating History.
Now doesn’t this seem like a more inviting and positive story?
So two important changes occurred for this first couple: the awakening of consciousness and self awareness; and the option of exerting free will. We are continually tested about whether free-will truly exists or is everything fated. I tend to believe it is a combination of both.
Turning now to the topic of ourselves as multi-dimensional beings.
This topic is of great interest to me however I think the masses still do not understand just how significant this is to our individual realities.
It is about considering the great Trinity and what it actually means. It involves the concept of Hierarchy or the chain of command.
The religious viewpoint is that the Trinity represents The Father, The Son and the Holy Ghost. What is the difference between the Holy Spirit and the Soul? We are told that the Son represents Jesus who at times claimed he was the Son of God and the Son of Man. Which was it? In order to make a connection with the Creator, Jesus purportedly claimed that in order to make that connection we must first go through him. And the Holy Spirit is what animates our spirit thus on the level of the Hierarchy we are as individuals pretty much at the bottom of the ladder.
Bear with me I am working to the topic of Where have all the Messiahs gone?
So we have this edict to honor the Trinity, which in fact is also very symbolic for humanity.
“The Trinity in Christian numerology is very important and naturally linked with the most holy, perfect and the best. The number 3 has been linked with the superlative before Christianity, and is translated by the Greeks as superlatively great, and the Latin as happiest. God is related to the number 3 as having a surface and being real (manifested) or 'touchable', this becomes further defined with the number 4 and the addition of a fourth point which creates a solidity. Completeness is symbolized by 3 (as well as 7 and 9) but for different reasons.”The trinity in the form of the number 3 has played out significantly in my own life as well.
I do believe that the FATHER is the basic creative force as the serpent moving through the void which became animated as a result of the electrical charges He moved through.
What if however the term, ‘the Son’ was misinterpreted and actually meant the physical SUN? The Sun is indeed our Life Giver.
Thus first we needed the impetus of the Creator, and then the proper environment created by the Sun in order to sustain life.
Then we come to the Holy Spirit which I prefer, because after all the term ‘Ghost’ is just an apparition or hallucination.
The Spirit represents the ‘spark of the divine that is manifested through the body’ although this presence within us is often
silenced or ignored. On second thought perhaps for most people the term Holy Ghost is appropriate since it is often so ‘invisible’ in the life of the personality.
It is my belief that we must deliberately invite the Spirit into our lives before it becomes active. First we must ‘knock and the door shall be opened to us’. Without that conscious connection the Spirit acts merely as a silent witness. Having experienced this spiritual conversion in the past two years, I have now become consistently aware of listening for the guidance of my own spirit. Indeed I did knock at a very difficult time in my life and the door was opened unto me. Let me be clear that this awakening did not require any kind of formal ritual or religious ceremony…I believe I willed it into action. Now I am able to express my gratitude and honor my blessings on a daily basis…this is part of what it has done for me.
I liken this event in my life to the metaphor of the Garden of Eden only in reverse. The Garden still exists as a state representing the Grace of God but we must now struggle to get back into the garden to find peace and sanctuary. We have been away from our true connection for so long and unfortunately it is this which has also contributed to the mess that humanity finds itself in. And for those of us engaged in the quickening we realize that the battle between ‘good and evil’ will ultimately be the battle for our Minds and our Spirits. This is the new understanding that people must come to. We must collectively emanate our positivity out in to Universe in order to counter the Great Darkness that feeds off of our inner negativity.
When asked whether there is a differentiation between the Spirit and the Soul, Seth has explained that he called the Oversoul represents that energy that oversees the spirit through its evolution…records have been meticulously kept known as the Hall of Records and in the afterlife we may have the opportunity to visit the Hall of Records to see both the and progress that individual spirits have made. This concept was introduced in the movie ‘Defending Your Life’ with Albert Brooks and Meryl Streep.
Another good book I read is called ‘The education of Oversoul 7’ penned by Jane Roberts back in the 70’s which was a simplified version of the
Seth Material but as a novel. It was a very good read.
And so we see the mechanisms of our Spiritual Hierarchy. Once incarnated we also have a chain of command on a personal level. In astrology we express our multi-dimensional selves as the Ego, the personality and the psyche which I wrote extensively about in my manuscript about the Burgeoning Soul. In my writings this is what I refer to this trio as The Higher Self, the Personality and the Spirit. My works are more of a psychological profiling as used by Carl Jung and this is quite different from mainstream astrologers who claim a fee for ‘fortune-telling’. Sadly too many people dismiss the whole thing as entertainment when in truth it is far deeper than that. To achieve an individual balance we must work to bring all three factors into harmony. On the mundane level of experience we work mostly through the Ego which is attached to material and physical realities, while the Personality represents the masquerade we wear trying to project our being externally. The personality is the the culmination of early conditioning, habits, instincts, values, desires, needs and reactions. And typically the personality we project is quite different from the true self within, represented by the Spirit.
The formula used for determining the personality combines the energy expression of the Sun, the Moon and the Rising sign in each individual chart. Very often these energies are imbalanced and working at cross purposes which tends to form our individual concept of being. This is where internalized conflicts materialize in the physical realm as circumstances. In terms of self-analysis and increased awareness of what we are really all about and what our potential missions in life are, astrology is a gold mine of valuable insight and understanding.
…Perhaps this is enough writing for today.
I wanted to write about the Ascended Masters who have helped to guide the evolution of humanity and form conditions on the physical level because I wonder now ‘Where is Our Messiah’ when we need one most. Who is there now living willing to lead us away from the brink of chaos and destruction. You might be surprised. Who do you feel might be acting in this role?
Any suggestions? Father, Father help us – we need you now.
Current interests for me also include the increase of familial dissonance that is tearing away at the fabric of society and underming our hopes for healing the world. We are supposed to be spiralling upwards, instead we are quickly spiralling downwards. This I have recently experienced within my personal familial sphere as I strive to understand more. Next time I will talk about this continuing erosion of our families…No wonder so many of the young are getting tatoos and piercing. More on these issues to come….
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