Saturday, February 5, 2011

our multi-dimensional being

When you are in spirit you don’t feel the urge to manipulate, cajole, seduce, demand, beg, manipulate, control or insist. You simply allow, and in that you make an open space for love to flow. In this state the art of allowance is initiated.
We are all multi-dimensional beings. On the level of the personality, the Psyche [subconscious] is often the source of our many fears and phobias, insecurities, weaknesses and character defects which influence our lives on the conscious level.

It is the result of our psychological orientation in life. And what is Psyche:  that combination of personality and spirit and will that drives the being to evolve, or not evolve as determined by personal experience and direction of the will.

The Psyche is also the human mind as the center of thought and behavior, and when stimulated by Spirit, can lead to transcendental knowledge or Knowledge acquired without personal experience. Accessing the Psyche can also provide intuitive knowing and creative inspiration.

The Spirit could be defined as being part of, but separate from the Psyche.
Personality on the other hand is typically separate from Spirit. When we are not walking with spirit we are simply reacting with conditioned behaviors and subconscious responses.  The Personality is more concerned with material success, achievement, relationships, being accepted and being acknowledged and loved. Personality is the vehicle through which Spirit strives to evolve. Spirit wants to evolve for it will exist for many more lifetimes to come. 

We are all multi-dimensional beings. On the level of the personality, the Psyche [subconscious] is often the source of our many fears and phobias, insecurities, weaknesses and character defects which influence our lives on the conscious level.

It is the result of our psychological orientation in life. And what is Psyche:  that combination of personality and spirit and will that drives the being to evolve, or not evolve as determined by personal experience and direction of the will.

The Psyche is also the human mind as the center of thought and behavior, and when stimulated by Spirit, can lead to transcendental knowledge or Knowledge acquired without personal experience. Accessing the Psyche can also provide intuitive knowing and creative inspiration.

The Spirit could be defined as being part of, but separate from the Psyche.
Personality on the other hand is typically separate from Spirit. When we are not walking with spirit we are simply reacting with conditioned behaviors and subconscious responses.  The Personality is more concerned with material success, achievement, relationships, being accepted and being acknowledged and loved. Personality is the vehicle through which Spirit strives to evolve. Spirit wants to evolve for it will exist for many more lifetimes to come. 
Please note: in this writing, there is a specific differentiation made between the PERSONA [an identity or role that somebody assumes] and SPIRIT.

                               While we wait....we dream

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