Friday, January 28, 2011

It's a secret: Skull and Bones

Bush's secrets

Brotherhoods of deception –secret societies There are many civic groups that indeed work for the betterment of All yet there are also many, many others that continue to be enshrouded in secrecy with less honorable goals. And that is the problem with the ‘brotherhood’ that is striving towards a global government because in order to accomplish that goal they must first oppress and control populations to be compliant.

According to the teachings of Agni Yogi they speak about a White Brotherhood, a group of masters and avatars that work together for the good of all mankind…in this case however they are talking about a metaphysical brotherhood. This must be differentiated from the Aryan Brotherhood and the KKK and as such we can realize that in all things there is a polarity between ‘good and evil’ and these earthly brotherhoods are typically oriented towards the physical/material world which are highly susceptible to subterfuge and the search for Power and Wealth. They twist the entire meaning of brotherhood wearing a surface camouflage of servitude to disguise their true purposes. There are many movies that have revealed the darker side of such brotherhoods.
In the 2000 film ‘The Skulls’ the plot was based upon some of the conspiracy theories surrounding Yale University's Skull and Bones student society:
It involves a college student with aspirations to eventually become a lawyer. He attends Yale along with his girlfriend and his best friend Will.. Luke's friendships hit the rocks when he is invited to join a secret society known as "The Skulls." After Luke passes the first part of the initiation process, he has a falling out with his girlfriend when she realizes that he has become a Skull.

As Luke becomes more immersed into the brotherhood, his friend has been conducting research on the Skulls for some time and together they discover the ‘Secret Room’. They are discovered and in the struggle to get away Will falls and is knocked unconscious, Luke is ordered to leave the room and the skulls manage to move the body and make it look like Will committed suicide in his dorm room. Thus begins the disclosure of the secretive rituals…and the plot thickens.

There are many civic groups that indeed work for the betterment of All yet there are also many, many others that continue to be enshrouded in secrecy with less honorable goals. And that is the problem with the ‘brotherhood’ that is striving towards a global government because in order to accomplish that goal they must first oppress and control populations to be compliant.

I still cannot fathom the reasons why an organization’s primary agenda is for POWER AND WEALTH. These are two goals that are highly susceptible to abuse and evil. Who would want to rule a world that is poisonous, polluted, stripped of resources and devastated? It seems to me that this would in fact be a totally empty victory.

It is important to understand what is really going on involving our politicians
and governments...Alex Jones knows all about...just google You Tube videos on the subject.Git yerself edumacated...

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